Car Parking Enforcement
The successful management of a car park is normally dependent upon two key factors: demand management (ensuring that you are giving out the right number of permits and giving them to the people that need them the most) and enforcement.
Many public sector car park operators prefer not to take a hard stance when enforcing their car parks, thinking that this approach will be more acceptable to users. However, in our experience this leads to repeated abuse of your Terms and Conditions of Use, including failure to pay, parking in the wrong areas (staff parking in visitor car parks, for example) and poor parking practices (drivers parking on yellow lines, or non-Blue Badge holders using disabled bays).
It is counter-intuitive, but not enforcing your car park will actually result in a poorer user experience than in a well-managed car park.
We know that the key is to adopt a firm-but-fair approach, with clear signage, transparent processes and a robust appeals process.
We can work out whether your organisation would be better managing the whole process yourselves from Parking Charge Notice (PCN) issuing to processing and debt collection, self-ticketing but relying on an outside company to process PCNs and undertake debt recovery on your behalf or simply letting a third party manage the whole thing. We also know the pitfalls of getting it wrong and how critical it is to get the contract terms right.
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