The Parking Consultancy

Tel: 01430 650 343

Mobile: 07410 117 113



We are The Parking Consultancy.

University of Leeds

The University of Leeds is located in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.

There are a total of 33,000 students, 7,500 staff and only 1,622 remaining parking spaces on campus. Students are generally not allowed to apply for a permit other than for medical, disabled or extenuating circumstances.

The University has recently built a new 690 space multi-storey car park, which includes 12 motorcycle, 22 disabled and 100 car share bays. The 690 spaces provided within the MSCP are part of the total car parking capacity given above.

The University uses Vysonics ANPR cameras to control car parking capacity and enforcement within the Orange Zone. Vysonics partners with I-View (enforcement software and back office processor) and Local Parking Security (payment machines with bespoke features to manage visitor parking tariffs via voucher codes) to operate the car park.

The University is an IPC accredited operator and manages the enforcement process, including back office processing and debt recovery, using support from the agencies above.

Variable Messaging Signage and space counters are used to record occupancy in the MSCP and Orange Zone (1,000 staff spaces).
The University uses ParkIT permit management system which is linked to I-View for enforcement purposes. ParkIT also manages daily internal departmental visitor bookings and sends a data feed once a day to I-View, 24 hrs in advance of bookings.

The University is undergoing a large-scale development as set out in the Estates Masterplan. The Masterplan outlines a total of 19 development sites within the campus, with the potential of providing approximately 80,000 square metres of additional accommodation.

Client Issues

  • Delivery of the Masterplan will lead to losses in car parking capacity, especially in the Orange Zone (a reduction of 300 spaces) to the footprint of a new Innovation Centre. Further losses are expected to allow the completion of the Masterplan over the next 5 years;
  • Car parking permits are issued annually on a first-come, first-served basis (those that hold a permit from a previous year are automatically eligible for a permit in the following year);
  • The current system of permit allocation does not provide sufficient control over the number of permits issued to manage future losses in car parking capacity associated with the Masterplan;
  • Increases in staff population and tenanted companies within the new Innovation Centre will lead to increased car parking demand;
  • Significant volumes of PCNs have been issued via the new ANPR system, leading to discontent amongst staff; and
  • Customer complaints.

Our Solution

  • There were two key elements to the successful delivery of this project: production of a Future Parking Strategy to alleviate issues of supply and demand and securing staff acceptance of the changes to come.
  • Recommendations for the Future Parking Strategy were made after a thorough and realistic audit of existing conditions and likely future changes.
  • Staff acceptance was gained through a robust and comprehensive consultation / engagement exercise.

Services Provided
The Parking Consultancy:

  • Undertook an operational review of parking including signage, payment machines, access control equipment, disabled parking provision information;
  • Reviewed the Masterplan to quantify future losses in car parking capacity;
  • Developed a presentation detailing the Masterplan, associated losses in parking capacity and the proposed mitigation strategies;
  • Delivered 6 staff car parking open forums to inform staff of losses in parking capacity;
  • Undertook one -to-one consultation exercises with primary stakeholders including senior management, trade unions, Events & Conferencing, the Sports Centre and Disability Services;
  • Produced a report of consultation findings and key recommendations;
  • Developed the core principles of the future Parking Strategy;
  • Carried out option appraisals of potential further deployment of ANPR hardware;
  • Reviewed current car park zoning;
  • Provided case studies of other similar Higher Education Institutions and how they manage the permit allocation process;
  • Proposed an equitable method of permit application allocation using a needs-based assessment system;
  • Held regular client sessions to inform Senior Management Team of progress.

The Results

  • Proposed an equitable needs-based assessment of permit eligibility;
  • Provided justifications for implementing a needs-based assessment of permit allocation;
  • Recommended changes to the way staff and students with mobility impairments / medical conditions are assessed;
  • Proposed further permit allocation to increase parking revenue using sector average ratios; and
  • Provided recommendations for the Parking Strategy over the next 5-10 years on a range of operational improvements including permit allocation, signage, payment machines, zoning, customer information and PCN administration and appeals.

Contract Data
Duration: 4 months
Contact: Ian Goodwin and David White
Tel: 01430 650343
Mobile: 07410 117113

Case Study

Developing a Future Parking Strategy to Mitigate the Loss of Parking from Development

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